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Date AddedTitleLink
2015-02-23A Comparative Study of Winter and Summer Leaves 1917PDF 1 mb
2015-02-23A Manual of the Medical Botany of North America 1884PDF 15 mb
2015-02-23A New Family Herbal or Popular Account of the Natures and Properties of the Various Plants 1810PDF 35 mb
2015-02-23A Treatise on Various Ailments and Their Treatment by Nature~s Remedies 1895PDF 2 mb
2015-02-23A-Complete-Handbook-of-Nature-CuresPDF 1 mb
2015-02-23American Medical Botany Vol 1 1817PDF 10 mb
2015-02-23American Medicinal Leaves and Herbs 1911PDF 6 mb
2015-02-23An Introduction to Botany Vol 1 1848PDF 22 mb
2015-02-23An Introduction to Botany Vol 2 1848PDF 25 mb
2015-02-23An Introduction to Medical Botany 1829PDF 3 mb
2015-02-23An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 1830PDF 28 mb
2015-02-23Animal and Vegetable Fixed OilsPDF 33 mb
2015-02-23Annual Report on Essential Oils Aromatic Chemicals 1890PDF 4 mb
2015-02-23Anticancer-TherapeuticsPDF 4 mb
2015-02-23Crow-Indian-Recipes-Herbal-MedicinesPDF 3 mb
2015-02-23Culinary Herbs 1912PDF 7 mb
2015-02-23Culpeper~s Complete Herbal 1880PDF 29 mb
2015-02-23Edible-and-Medicinal-PlantsPDF 8 mb
2015-02-23Edible-Wild-PlantsPDF 20 mb
2015-02-23Elements of Botany 1841PDF 26 mb
2015-02-23Ethnobotany-of-the-Forest-IndiansPDF 461 kb
2015-02-23Flora Medica - A Botanical Account of All the More Important Plants Used in Medicine 1838PDF 27 mb
2015-02-23Gray~s School and Field Book of Botany - 1881PDF 35 mb
2015-02-23Healing-Pets-With-Alternative-MedicinePDF 350 kb
2015-02-23Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure 1897PDF 2 mb
2015-02-23Herbal-Manual-PDF 292 kb
2015-02-23Herbal-PDRsmallPDF 9 mb
2015-02-23Herbals - Their Origin and Evolution 1912PDF 11 mb
2015-02-23Histology of Medicinal Plants 1916PDF 13 mb
2015-02-23How to Grow Vegetables and Garden Herbs 1917PDF 23 mb
2015-02-23In Defense of Medical Botany 1891PDF 9 mb
2015-02-23Library of Health - Complete Guide to Prevention and Cure of Disease 1921PDF 40 mb
2015-02-23Manual for the Essence Industry 1916PDF 24 mb
2015-02-23Manual of the Medical Botany of the United States 1841PDF 15 mb
2015-02-23Meals Medicinal with Herbal Recipes 1905PDF 125 mb
2015-02-23Medical and Oeconomical Botany 1849PDF 35 mb
2015-02-23Medical Botany Vol 1 1831PDF 17 mb
2015-02-23Medicinal Herbs and Poisonous Plants 1918PDF 17 mb
2015-02-23Medicinal-Plants-in-Folk-Tradition-2004-Allen-HatfieldPDF 25 mb
2015-02-23New Guide to Health 1822PDF 17 mb
2015-02-23Our Family Physician 1885PDF 26 mb
2015-02-23Outlines of Lessons in Botany 1892PDF 3 mb
2015-02-23Paxton~s Flower Garden Vol 1 1850PDF 28 mb
2015-02-23Paxton~s Flower Garden Vol 2 1850PDF 45 mb
2015-02-23Paxton~s Flower Garden Vol 3 1853PDF 25 mb
2015-02-23Pharmaceutical Botany With Glossary of Botanical Terms 1921PDF 29 mb
2015-02-23Plant Names Scientific and Popular 1900PDF 31 mb
2015-02-23Pocket Companion to Culpeper~s Herbal 1820PDF 12 mb
2015-02-23Profitable Herb Growing and Collecting 1916PDF 5 mb
2015-02-23Report on the Indigenous Medical Botany of Massachusetts 1849PDF 13 mb
2015-02-23Root and Stem Vegetables 1910PDF 3 mb
2015-02-23Rosarum Monographia - A Botanical History of Roses 1820PDF 10 mb
2015-02-23survival-how-to-make-herbal-preparationsPDF 35 kb
2015-02-23The American Herbal 1801PDF 11 mb
2015-02-23The Book of Herbs 1903PDF 6 mb
2015-02-23The Botanic Family Friend 1844PDF 12 mb
2015-02-23The Complete Herbalist - The People Their Own Physicians 1897PDF 26 mb
2015-02-23The Curious Herbal 1922PDF 1 mb
2015-02-23The Druggist~s General Receipt Book 1878PDF 21 mb
2015-02-23The English Physician 1814PDF 20 mb
2015-02-23The Family Herbal - And the Drugs Produced by Vegetables of Other Countries - 1812PDF 25 mb
2015-02-23The Family Herbal 1820PDF 24 mb
2015-02-23The Herb Garden 1911PDF 4 mb
2015-02-23The Joy of Gardens 1911PDF 8 mb
2015-02-23The Ladies~ Botany of Professor Lindley Vol 1 1848PDF 16 mb
2015-02-23The Ladies~ Botany of Professor Lindley Vol 2PDF 14 mb
2015-02-23The Old English Herbals 1922PDF 13 mb
2015-02-23The Practice of Medicine on Thomsonian Principles 1859PDF 26 mb
2015-02-23The Scented Garden 1900PDF 11 mb
2015-02-23The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 1914PDF 74 mb
2015-02-23The Thomsonian System of Medicine 1905PDF 5 mb
2015-02-23The Universal Herbal Vol 1 1824PDF 140 mb
2015-02-23The Universal Herbal Vol 2 1824PDF 156 mb
2015-02-23The Useful Family Herbal 1755PDF 65 mb
2015-02-23The Vegetable Kingdom - The Structure Classification and Uses of Plants 1853PDF 66 mb
2015-02-23Vegeculture 1917PDF 23 mb
2015-02-23Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States 1818PDF 13 mb
2015-02-23WHO-Monographs-on-Selected-Medicinal-PlantsPDF 5 mb
2015-02-23WHO-Monographs-on-Selected-Medicinal-Plants-Vol-2PDF 2 mb
2015-02-23WHO-Monographs-on-Selected-Medicinal-Plants-Vol-3PDF 2 mb
2015-02-23WHO-Monographs-on-Selected-Medicinal-Plants-Volume-4PDF 5 mb
2015-02-24A Few Notes on Canadian Plant-Lore 1897PDF 1 mb
2015-02-24A Garden of Herbs 1921PDF 30 mb
2015-02-24A Scripture Herbal 1842PDF 25 mb

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One of the site’s Users, Guy, reminded me of this story. I saw it the other day, intended to post it and then got distracted by other projects.

There was an X-14 class Solar Flare and CME on July 23. Fortunately it was on the far side of the sun and only observed by satellites. The Carrington Event is estimated to have been in the X15+ range. That’s the one that set telegraph lines on fire and cause Auroras seen almost to the Equator.

Such an event today would likely destroy or extensively damage power grids worldwide requiring years if not decades to repair… if such repair was even possible. In all likelihood such an event would destroy the world’s technological and industrial infrastructure permanently requiring the survivors to rebuild from scratch.

The Sunspot which produced that event will be rotating around to face Earth late next week or early the following week.


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