Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This year is the peak of this Solar Cycle. The peak is this Summer and with the number of X Class flares being tossed out these last couple of months it promises to be a lively one.
Twice in the last six month there have been Auroras seen in the upper third of the U.S. which means some pretty strong CMEs streaming in for a visit.
Domestically and politically the U.S. is (hopefully) settling down and looking at a good year ahead. With God’s mercy we’ll make it through this Solar Cycle and the direct threat of a Carrington Event scale solar flare will begin to diminish over the next few years.
While it’s probably wishful thinking perhaps by the time of the next Solar Cycle Peak in about 16 years we will have hardened the grid at least in the U.S. enough to be able to recover from a destructive Solar Flare in less than several generations. Sadly much of the rest of the industrialized world is still pursuing “Green Energy” fantasies and beginning to de-industrialize as they run out of power. I suppose being a non-industrial society is one way of preparing for a Solar Flare that destroys the power grid but not one I’d want to be part of.
We can always Hope but as I was once taught… “Hope is not a Strategy.”
The Librarian