2013-09-23 |
A Study Of Feeding Standards For Milk Production 1913 |
PDF3 mb |
2024-07-02 |
aaa-Livestock_Cattle.zip |
PDF 345 mb |
2013-08-30 |
American Cattle Doctor 1884 |
PDF25 mb |
2013-10-21 |
American Cattle Doctor 1884 |
PDF25 mb |
2013-10-21 |
Animal Breeding 1903 |
PDF25 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Bovine Tuberculosis-Its Cause Symptoms And Treatment 1911 |
PDF1 mb |
2013-10-21 |
Cattle Feeding With Sugar Beets 1902 |
PDF13 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Col Horns Handy Book On How To Pickcattle 1910 |
PDF9 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Effect Of Winter Rations On Pasture Gains Of Yearling Steers 1920 |
PDF2 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Essays On The Soiling Of Cattle 1862 |
PDF4 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Every Man His Own Cattle Doctor 1848 |
PDF14 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Fattening Calves In Alabama 1912 |
PDF2 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Feeding Cows For Profit 1914 |
PDF4 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Feeding Dairy Cattle 1921 |
PDF9 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Feeding In South Texas 1914 |
PDF1 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Food For Starving Cattle On The Plains 1884 |
PDF2 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Grass Is King 1883 |
PDF1 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Guide For Meat Inspectors 1915 |
PDF16 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Handbook Of Meat Inspection 1904 |
PDF47 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Hemorrhagic Septicemia 1918 |
PDF572 kb |
2013-09-23 |
Holstein Cattle 1884 |
PDF11 mb |
2021-03-01 |
How To Kill Animals Humanely 1879 |
PDF558 kb |
2013-09-23 |
Information Concerning The North American Fever Tick 1907 |
PDF5 mb |
2013-10-21 |
Investigations Concerning Bovine Tuberculosis-Diagnosis And Prevention 1894 |
PDF13 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Investigations Relative To Arsenical Dips As Remedies For Cattle Ticks 1912 |
PDF4 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Louisiana Beef Cattle 1917 |
PDF946 kb |
2013-09-23 |
Lovelocks American Standard Of Excellence For Purebred Cattle Sheep And Swine 1893 |
PDF5 mb |
2013-09-23 |
North Carolina Conditions Inviting Farming Trucking Cattle Raising And Dairying 1905 |
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2013-09-23 |
Research On The Fattening Of Cattle 1858 |
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2013-09-23 |
Short Horn Cattle 1864 |
PDF2 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Silos Silage And Cattle Feeding 1890 |
PDF3 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Special Report On Diseases Of Cattle 1912 |
PDF35 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Supremacy Of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle 1914 |
PDF4 mb |
2013-09-23 |
The American Cattle Doctor-A Complete Work On The Diseases Of Cattle 1880 |
PDF20 mb |
2013-09-23 |
The Bacteriology Of The Female Reproductive Organs Of Cattle 1922 |
PDF3 mb |
2013-09-23 |
The Cattle Queen Of Montana 1894 |
PDF15 mb |
2013-09-23 |
The Dairymens Assistant And Cattle Breeders Manual 1895 |
PDF4 mb |
2013-09-23 |
The Effect Of The Age Of Sire And Dam On The Quality Of Offspring In Dairy Cows 1922 |
PDF881 kb |
2013-09-23 |
The Effect Of Tuberculosis Vaccination Upon Cattle 1905 |
PDF766 kb |
2013-09-23 |
The Estimation Of Condition In Cattle 1914 |
PDF565 kb |
2013-09-23 |
The Granular Venereal Disease And Abortion In Cattle 1914 |
PDF3 mb |
2013-09-23 |
The Red Poll And Farm Conditions 1917 |
PDF442 kb |
2013-09-23 |
The Story Of The Cattle Fever Tick 1922 |
PDF4 mb |
2013-09-23 |
Trypanosoma Americanum-A Common Blood Parasite Of American Cattle 1912 |
PDF1 mb |