2015-04-29 |
A Treatise On Turpentine Farming 1859 |
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2024-07-02 |
aaa-Turpentine_Glue_Solvents.zip |
PDF 428 mb |
2015-04-29 |
An Account Of The Discovery Of The Manner Of Making Isinglass In Russia 1773 |
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2015-04-29 |
An Experimental Turpentine Still 1939 |
PDF338 kb |
2015-04-29 |
Analysis Of Paint And Varnish Products 1912 |
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2015-04-29 |
Control Of The Black Turpentine Beetle 1981 |
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2015-04-29 |
Examination Of Pitch As A Possible Source Of Resins For Varnish Making 1920 |
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2015-04-29 |
Fish Isinglass And Glue 1917 |
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2015-04-29 |
German Varnish-Making 1912 |
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2015-04-29 |
Glue And Gelatin 1923 |
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2015-04-29 |
Glue And Glue Testing 1900 |
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2015-04-29 |
Glue Gelatine And Their Allied Products 1905 |
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2015-04-29 |
Glue Gelatine Animal Charcoal Phosphorus Cements Pastes And Mucilages 1905 |
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2015-04-29 |
Glue Handbook 1934 |
PDF66 mb |
2015-04-29 |
Gums And Resins-Their Occurrence Properties And Uses 1918 |
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2015-04-29 |
Industrial Cold Adhesives 1937 |
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2015-04-29 |
Linseed Oil And Other Seed Oils-An Industrial Manual 1909 |
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2015-04-29 |
Low-Resin-Content And Resin-Free Pulp Plastics 1945 |
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2015-04-29 |
Modern Glues And Glue Testing 1922 |
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2015-04-29 |
More Turpentine-Less Scar-Better Pine 1931 |
PDF684 kb |
2015-04-29 |
Natural Resins |
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2015-04-29 |
New Methods Improve Turpentine 1950 |
PDF626 kb |
2015-04-29 |
Paint And Varnish Facts And Formulae 1905 |
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2015-04-29 |
Papers On Paint And Varnish And The Materials Used In Their Manufacture 1920 |
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2015-04-29 |
Pine-Tree Treasures 1931 |
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2015-04-29 |
Recipes For The Colour Paint Varnish Oil Soap And Drysaltery Trades 1902 |
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2015-04-29 |
Rubber And Resin Content Of Native And Introduced Plants Of Canada |
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2015-04-29 |
Rubber Resins Paints And Varnishes 1920 |
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2015-04-29 |
Solvents 1944 |
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2015-04-29 |
Solvents Oils Gums Waxes And Allied Substances 1913 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Analysis Of Resins Balsams And Gum Resins 1920 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Analysis Of Turpentine By Fractional Distillation With Steam 1908 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Chemistry And Technology Of Gelatin And Glue 1922 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Distillation Of Resins 1907 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Industrial And Artistic Technology Of Paint And Varnish 1904 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Manufacture And Use Of Plywood And Glue 1920 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Manufacture Of Glue And Gelatine 1898 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Practical Polish And Varnish Maker 1892 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Preparation And Use Of Cements And Glue 1881 |
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2015-04-29 |
The Recovery Of Volatile Solvents 1922 |
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2015-04-29 |
Turpentine Still Buildings And Equipment 1940 |
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2015-04-29 |
Turpentine-Its Sources Properties Uses Transportation And Marketing 1920 |
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2015-04-29 |
Violin Varnish And How To Make It 1911 |
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2015-04-29 |
Wood Turpentine-Its Production Refining Properties And Uses 1912 |
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