MONDAY 06/03/2024

MONDAY 06/03/2024
Setting up the Server for the new version of the website. Too hot to do much outside anyway. It’s a Dell R710, Duel; Xeon processors, 96GB ram, Server 2019 Standard, 1-2TB Raid 5 drive space, IIS10, PHP 8.3.7, MySQL 8, Joomla 5 and a lot of other odds and ends.
Yes I know Linux and Apache is better so don’t even start. I’ve run hundreds of websites in both environments over the last 40+ years. But my Linux skills have atrophied over the years and I just do not have the patience to relearn all that Linux esoterica yet again for the hundredth time. So it’s going to run on Windows Server 2019 and IIS 10.
One of the features I’ll be adding that was just too difficult to add in the old site is each Category being in a sortable table. I’ll add a column that shows when each item was added. Everything already on the site I’ll just date 2024/1/1.
New individuals items will have the date they are added and the list can be sorted on that column. I’m going to try to add the ability to simply search for all new items after a certain date so you can find everything that’s been added since. That will depend on how quickly I regain my PHP programming skills which are quite rusty.
Would like to add a column so that people can leave comments or reviews of any books or books and those would be accessible from the book list. Again… dependent on the level of my PHP language skills.
Please feel free to suggest anything else that would be useful since I’m pretty much starting from scratch on the new version of the site. Other than the book names, sizes and links and some of the static text content of some other pages I’m working form a blank slate.
The Librarian